Where we become our best selves !!

I used to close my eyes and dream of what my life would look like if I could be, do and achieve whatever my heart desired.  Every single time I did this, I was expressing through dancing, writing, talking, sharing, inspiring !!  I dreamt of all sorts of things….when I was really little I was going to be a ballerina, as I got older I wanted to be an actress and writer; however, with all of the chaos and twists that life throws us, my dream were pushed to the side.   Now when I close my eyes and imagine my best life, I am happy and I am whole!  I don’t want to suggest that my life has not been a great one so far because it has. I have learned lessons and I have grown and I have lived every single second of it.   Sometimes, it has been overwhelmingly difficult, scary beyond belief and so full of grief that I did not know how or if I was going to get through it.  I will share some of these times with you so that you can learn what I learned or that you can understand that we all go through ‘stuff’.   It is what make us “US”!   My journey has also been extremely exciting, full of wonderful experiences and a ride I would not trade for anything.

My life, my story so far, is not really a unique story.  My life has had ups and downs just like yours and I created this website to share who I have become because of that.  I always recognize that just the very fact that I was born in this amazing country and have been allowed the things we take for granted; education, healthcare and freedom,  has allowed me a better life than so many.  So, my point is, I am finally pursuing my passion.  I am following my dreams and desires by living authentically and honestly.  I want to do that with you.  I want to share my voice and I want to hear yours in return. Without reciprocity and different ideas and viewpoints there is no possible way that we can grow and become our best selves.  One thing I have also come to know is that we cannot be our best selves without the love and support of others who really love and support us!  We need to be heard;  most importantly,  we need to listen!

So, here I go….. it has not been an “overnight” mission which I discuss in my first article “Failure to Launch”.   The name of my site was the easiest part of it all for me, I have lived my entire life so far always striving for these two qualities:

CHARISMA:   Charm that can inspire devotion in others; strength of character
GRACE:          Simple elegance; respect; finesse

My hope is that you will find that here….charisma and grace.  Your passion for life.  Understand your fears and sadness and know that you are not alone in those emotions.  Inspiration to feel better, do better…..your best self!!!  My promise to you is that I will consistently find ways to inspire, motivate and challenge you.  I have created several categories and sub categories and maybe those will expand and change, but I needed a starting point so I can share with you and you can navigate your way through.  The most exciting part will be hearing from you, your thoughts and opinions, your dreams and desires, even your grief.  Find your voice.  Let your ideas be heard.  Let’s get excited about change.  I can’t wait to learn from all of you and I hope that you will learn from me!

Let’s do this!

About Me

Hello World! My hope is that right here you will find inspiration, enthusiasm, courage, an excitement for life ....and together we will find our charisma.....and grace!